domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

The Purpose of Life/Kurt Vonnegut

"Cosmic Christ"by Alex Grey

Do livro "Breakfast of Champions" de Kurt Vonnegut (gênio, profeta, iconoclasta):

"(...) There was a message written in pencil on the tiles by the roller towel. This was it:


Trout plundered his pockets for a pen or pencil. He had an answer to the question. But he had nothing to write with, not even a burnt match. So he left the question unanswered, but here is what he would have written, if he had found anything to write with:

To be
the eyes
and ears
and conscience
of the Creator of the Universe,
you fool.

Sem mais para o momento, despeço-me na espera de um novo post,


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